To start playing with 42videobricks, you need to create an account here: Register.
42videobricks is free to test: you just need to register and you will be able to test our api in the sandbox.
42videobricks provides 3 distinct API environments (each environment has an isolated video storage):
- sandbox ( the sandbox environment provides a free to use environment to test the api. This environment is limited for testing the api and has limitation such as (video upload size, video deletion after 24h and number of api calls)
- production ( the production environment removes the sandbox limitations and is accessible after subscribing to the service. You pay as you use: billing is based on your usage of the platform. more on (www.42videobricks/pricing).
- staging: ( the staging environment is similar to the production environment (data are isolated from production data) and can be used for testing your system before deploying in production.
Production and staging API are sharing the same usage plan.
API Keys
42videobricks API are protected by an authentication mechanism based on API key.
You need to set your API Key (as the "x-api-key" header) to each API call.
curl --request POST \
--url <<SBX_SERVER>>/videos \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <my-sandbox-api-key>' \
--data '
"title": "My video title",
"description": "My video description",
"public": false
Getting your API Keys
You can manage your api keys in the api keys section of the admin: Api Keys Admin
A default Api key is created for sandbox environement but you can create more Api keys.
Only subscribed accounts can create and use staging or production Api keys.
When the subscription is canceled, staging and production Api keys are disabled.
Protect your API Keys
Api keys are private and should be kept secret and not shared with anyone.
Api keys are used in server-to-server communications only.
You should create as much Api keys you need and avoid reusing the same Api keys for different environment or clients: it would allow you to easily replace a compromised Api key.
Api keys are restricted to their environements.
curl '<<SBX_SERVER>>/videos' \
-H 'x-api-key: <my-sandbox-api-key> '
Api returns error HTTP error code 403 response when authentication fails due to:
- "Missing Authentication Token": Api key is missing
- "Forbidden": Api key is not allowed to access the resource (wrong Api key, bad environment or unactivated Api key).
Limits & quotas
We have set limits in the staging and production environement. If you reach this limitation please call our support.
Quotas for sandbox is low.
Updated 8 months ago