Video Upload Errors

List of errors related to upload

  • The master video file cannot be read. It may be corrupted or truncated.
  • No encoding preset found for your video's resolution.
  • No audio track found on your video.
  • No encoding configuration found for the preset associated to your video's resolution.
  • Your video filename contains unsupported characters.
  • Unable to retrieve your video master file.
  • Video master file is undefined.
  • Your video master file does not exist.
  • Your video master file has an unsupported number of audio tracks.
  • An error occured during the preview thumbnails creation task.
  • An error occured while trying to retrieve the storage credentials.
  • We cannot encode in the requested resolution.
  • Your master video file recovery has failed due to timeout.
  • The credentials used do not exist in our system.
  • A connectivity issue to the SFTP server has been encountered.
  • The encoding job could not be created.
  • Failed to send metadata notification.